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When we make a wish, we focus our attention on what we want to get. This helps us to see the possibilities and start acting in the right direction
make a wish
The secrets of making wishes
To make a wish, you need to understand
What kind of person am I? What do I need?
What are my values?
Ask yourself questions, observe. All the answers are inside!
By examining, observing yourself, there are realizations of who you are and what makes you happy
This is a clearly formulated and concrete result to which a person aspires. A goal usually has certain parameters, deadlines, and a plan of action to achieve it
An emotional longing for something desirable or pleasurable. Desires may be related to the fulfillment of needs or desired changes in life
It is an idealized idea of a desired future state or event, and it gives us strength and energy. The dreams we take into work become goals
When we make a wish, we focus our attention
on what we want to get
This helps us see the possibilities and take action in the right direction
How you give yourself permission to wish?
To make your dreams come true, you have
to let yourself to dream
Internal “can” and “can't” are formed in the process of upbringing, socialization and communication with the world around us. It is a reflection of our values, beliefs, fears, and cultural stereotypes. To understand this, it is important to analyze your reactions, emotions, and motives.
Allocate yourself time and budget to simply please yourself with all kinds of nonsense, to fulfill your desires — to pamper your inner child. Invest your time in this
Consciousness limits all the possibilities of this world
to the picture of the world
We limit ourselves based on our current perception of the possibilities, but if we reformulate our “can'ts” into “cans,” our horizons will expand.
Sometimes we think our dreams are too far away and unattainable, as if we don't  deserve them. But how wonderful it would be to have official permission to just dream and believe in our possibilities
Внутреннее «можно» и «нельзя» формируется в процессе воспитания, социализации и общения с окружающим миром. Это отражение наших ценностей, убеждений, страхов и культурных стереотипов. Для понимания этого, важно анализировать свои реакции, эмоции и мотивы.
Мы ограничиваем себя исходя из нашего текущего восприятия возможностей, но если мы переформулируем наши «нельзя» в «можно», то наши горизонты расширятся.
Wish fulfillment rituals
What about ascescesis, writings, repeated rituals, wish cards, amulets, lucky underpants, and other miracles?
In fact, rituals of making wishes are important, the point is to concentrate your attention on the goal many times, so that it surfaces in the consciousness and the brain thinks that it is something important and it is necessary to notice the methods of its fulfillment
It is important to remember that rituals and rites can be effective not so much in their actions, but in the belief and positive mood of a person. As a rule, the key point is a clear definition of one's desire, purity of intentions, and confidence in its fulfillment
How often do you visualize your dreams? Visualizing your desires can lead to real changes in your life. It helps to see our goal clearly in front of you your achievement
You are a wizard
Believe in yourself and your capabilities
The more specifically you define your goal, the easier it will be for you to achieve it. It is especially important to visualize how your wish will come true, what will happen next? How will you realize that here it is, it has come true? What exactly should happen?
What will you feel?
Be clear about what you want
You need to complete tasks or get rid of irrelevant ones, otherwise they “overload the system”, take a lot of energy and prevent you from achieving your goals
Don't hoard affairs
Be sensitive to what is going on around you and make decisions based on that. Select visual references from life, movies, and what is happening around you
Think positively
Should I talk about
my dreams?
If people criticize, devalue — it is not worth it
Think about why there are such people in your environment
And in general, it is better to surround yourself with such people!
Making wishes
Act with confidence and determination, do not limit yourself and nothing will prevent you from achieving your goals.
is not only about dreaming, but also about action
Sometimes we think our dreams are too far away and unattainable, as if we don't deserve them. But how wonderful it would be to have official permission to just dream and believe in our own abilities!
Your dream is already waiting for you — move towards it step by step
Website design, animation, image generation:
Anna Aleksandrova
The site was created using AI, all materials used are freely available and belong to their owners
Everything will come true!
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